Yvan Le Bozec

Vas-y voir !

15 November - 9 December 2011

As part of the Arts and Culture department, the students of the master's degree “Contemporary Art Exhibition & Production”" course, curated an exhibition by the artist Yvan Le Bozec.

Originally from Brittany, Yvan Le Bozec exhibited at the Galerie des 3 Lacs at the University of Lille, as part of the ‘Dessiner-Tracer’ event.

The artist worked with pen and ink which is linked to his interest in calligraphy. Signing Y with the tip of his brush, Yvan “makes a sign” through his line. Play on words, play on Y. “Doctor Yvan” takes on the features of a mischievous ‘Mister Y’, digressing at will in the black and white world of his creator, tracing his path in the land of signs and words.